Animal Communication

We all can communicate with animals. We have a special kinship with animals, because we are animals too. Each animal, like each person and being, has a unique energetic signature that we can connect with both in the physical world and on the spiritual plane.

Talking to Animals

How do you talk to the animals?  With love and respect, with a deep listening and awareness, with your instinct and intuition. You speak from your feeling and your heart, not your words and your mind. You listen deeply to your body, to images, physical sensations, and emotions that arise.

Approach animals with honour and respect. It is not about what an animal can do for you. These are real beings deserving of honour and respect.

How to Connect with Animals

Today we will look at communicating with a domestic animal.  In future, we will explore how to commune with wild animals and with the spirit of an animal. You can connect with domestic animals, wild animals, and with the spirit of an animal and communicate with them to understand their teachings.


Begin by connecting with your breath. Breathe in three times. In through nose and out through mouth. This practice helps you to be present in the here and now and enter a calm state.

Settle into the Body:

Become embodied. Feel the Earth beneath your feet. Notice how your body is feeling. You don’t need to do anything about it, just notice. We need to be in our bodies and fully present to connect at a deep level and communicate with animals.


Place your hands on your heart. Offer the intention to communicate with an animal by offering love, compassion, and gratitude. Ask permission to connect. If you feel a yes, proceed. A yes will feel open and expanded, a no will feel contracted.


If you know the animal, say its name in your head and have a visual image of the animal in your mind’s eye.

Attune your rhythm to the rhythm of the animal. Feel their energy and spirit. What does the animal feel like to you?  Happy, agitated, disengaged?


Observe their body language – if they are present with you.


Notice how you are feeling. Notice how they are feeling.


Be open to images, feelings, a knowing that may arise. Trust your intuition.


You may wish to ask the animal if it needs anything from you or if it has something it wishes to say to you.


Thank the animal for communing with you. Acknowledge any response – even if it is a feeling, even if you don’t think anything happened. Building trust with the animal and in your ability can take time.

Animal Wisdom

Animals in the physical world offer teachings of wholeness and presence. Domestic animals offer you unconditional love. They see and accept you, just as you are. The animals show up just as they are, with no masks, pretense or judgment.

Animals teach us:

To be present and aware without hypervigilance

To live in the moment.

To be embodied.

To listen and live joyfully.

To love without judgment.

To live in harmony with the world around you.

Our animal companions enrich our lives with their unique gifts and blessings. Hold them in love and gratitude, for they enhance the world simply by being themselves. It is the same for you. You contribute to making the world a better place by showing up and being who you are.

May the animal realm be blessed.


Communing with Nature